The fete


In days of yore (more than 100 years!), the Fillols fete was organized around the first Sunday of August, but that was time for wheat harvest and threshing. It was decided to let peasants finish their job, so the fete was moved to the second Sunday of September. Later, different modifications of the school calendar forced organizers to advance the date which is now during second half of August. 


Trying to describe this fete by words would be trying to paint a vortex of craziness... 4 days (nay more) of delight with people sharing their joy, without age, sex or social condition discrimination. You find a population which has been magically multiplied by 3 or 4 as the time approaches delighting in celebrations which allow us to forget and leave resentments and little problems of our day to day life.

If this fete is today one of the most appreciated by Conflent people, it's because organizers who are merging several generations of "Fillolois" have been able to keep alive a lot of traditions. This makes the "fête de Fillols" of our days look like the ones our older "Fillolois" have known.

So, stop talking... if you want to offer a parenthesis in your life, come to this vortex and you'll understand why Cali after prefacing the book of his friend Guy Carol has sung "... c'est l'été qui gare sa rolls... sur la place de Fillols... les beaux jours approchent!" (Summer is parking his rolls… in the square of Fillols... good days are coming!)